Take a look inside!

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Bag Saga!

I am linking up with Abby's linky party to talk about my teacher bag (s)...my first party, yay!   I have to say, it was tons of fun thinking about the history of me and bags and I loved taking pictures of them!  (Of course I thought of a few I left out as the photos were uploading...)  I think I've already mentioned a life long love of bags.  It all started with my red Wonder Woman bag i took to first grade! I won't go bag that far, just a few bags back.

First up is the one my sweet cousin sent me for my birthday, it's Land's End.  She had just started working at the inlet near her house in WI.  I was thrilled to get it! Great colors, love the embroidery and all the pockets, it's a zip top, great bag. This was circa 09. Still love it and use it when one bag just won't cut it!

Now here's another well loved bag, this one also from Land's End, a Christmas gift.  I love having just one strap, it's comfy, slings over my shoulder easily, has the key strap thingy, I used this in 2010-11 and then threw it in the wash at the beginning of summer vaca, hence the wrinkly look.  I keep this one in the wings just in case I feel like making it my main bag again!
Here is my most recent lovey.  My s-i-l gave it to me as a cast off--she was trying to downsize and I just HAD to help her out!  It is super cute and made out of a fabric that should wear well. It has also been through the wash already (I took it on a road trip and I had to get the van ca-ca off!) It came with a bonus make up bag that is currently holding nail polish and doesn't travel to school with me, just to friends' houses for  quick mani's and polish swaps.

It has a side zip pocket on each side and that cool magnetic closure on the top that I triple heart!
Take a look inside!

My calendars, another addiction I won't get into just now...

I couldn't resist buying this tool box at Walmart when I was getting S set up for school. (47 cents, how could I not get it?)  I had to add cute decorations to it after I labeled her's up down and sideways with my paint pens!

My plan book, new and improved to keep me organized in the 11-12 school year,ha!  That remains to be seen! But I have about 5 of this style binder for other purposes, writing, reading, etc--love the 5 star!
The books I reference everyday!  I really am loving the Daily 5 and my love affair with Lucy C. started about 2 years ago! Of course my math book needs to be at hand since I am new to third grade this year! And Comp. Connections has been on my "to read" list forev-ah--I'll get to it I am sure....
This little red beauty rides in one of the side car pockets, provided by our lovely and generous parent association for each of us this year!  I love it and have heard that we can upload pics, wirelessly, can't wait to figure out how!

 I had to mention my lunch bag--a Vera mini cooler, I love that it wipes clean and feel super blessed to have been gifted this by a student last Christmas!  What's not to love?

Here is my purse, which alsogoes back and forth everyday, when I don't leave it behind! It was a garage sale purchase last spring-- only $2!!!  Score! I didn't think it could replace my Vera Hipster, but I am in love with pockets inside and the easy access with the zip around zipper!  So instead I cram it with all my Vera accessories, wallet, change purse, cutey-patootie ear bud case--even Vera mints! It also holds two checkbooks, each with an ME cover-- my Mary E. addiction could fill several posts! 
I had to show you inside!  oops, I think I still have bug spray in there!

I kinda wish my purse and lunch bag all fit into my teacher bag, like Mrs. Farley's, but I save my "nerd cart" (haha) for that when something MAJOR has to go back and forth!
I have a sneaking suspicion that a 31 bag is in future as well-- I can't miss that bandwagon!

This has been fun and I could go on all night, but I won't!  Thanks for checking out my new blog, come again, I will have fun stuff to share!

Check out other teacher bags at The Inspired Apple!  Abby Rocks!  


  1. Love your collection of totes! It is so fun to see all these teacher bags :) I am late to Abby's linky party, here is my bag http://www.bunchofscrap.com/2011/10/what-is-in-my-teacher-bag-and-reveal.html

    *I am a new rep for Thirty-One and would be honored and blessed if you ordered one from me :)
